Monday, January 28, 2008

Clap it Out!

This is a fun little game you can play anywhere and it will help students to hear the syllables in longer words. First each person thinks of two syllable words and everyone claps while saying the syllables together. For example: sub ject, (clap, clap) con flict, man age, re spect. After doing that well - begin doing three syllable words. At lan tic, sub trac tion, col or ful. Then go on to four syllable words. rec com mend ing, re spon sib le, trust worth i ness. Then try to think of words that are longer. See who can think of the longest word to clap out. Su per in ten dant, mi cro scop ic, con grat u la tions.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Reading Fluency

Rereading a passage a number of times and being coached by a fluent reader are both ways to improve reading fluency. The best pieces of literature to use to practice fluency are artistic passages. Have your child practice poems, or stories that have interesting dialogs. Model for them how the piece will sound if read well. Show them by scooping with your finger or a pencil under phrases as you read so the child can get a feel for the flow of the language. Then provide an authentic reason for them to practice - "I want you to read this to Grandma when she comes over so she can hear what a great reader you are becoming," or "Daddy said when he gets home from work he wants to hear you read this." An audience is a motivator and encourager. It just makes it more fun to read to an audience!