Friday, December 16, 2011

For the Week of January 2nd

Happy New Year to everyone. I hope that you have a year filled with blessings and good will.

Sleep Reminder

I know how vacations can change our sleeping schedules. It seems like we stay up later and later and get up later and later. If this has happened to your family, I encourage you to get your children back on an earlier bedtime as quickly as possible. It is very hard for a tired child to concentrate and listen attentively in school.

Chess Club

Watch for a flyer coming home about chess clubs. We had a wonderful first round and are planning to mix up the players and add some new ones - so if your son or daughter is interested we would encourage them to join.

Friday, December 9, 2011

For the Week of December 12th

Chess Club

Many of you have asked if we are going to have another chess club. The answer is yes. After we come back from break, I will be sending out another sign-up sheet. This gives us a chance to mix up the clubs so that the students can meet new friends and opponents. It gives students who have heard about chess club a chance to join. So watch for the flyer coming home. I can always use parent volunteers, also, so if that would be of interest to you, please let me know.

Chess Club #2 meets on Wednesday and Chess Club #3 meets on Thursday.

Outside Paper Recycling Bin

A question was raised about putting shredded paper in the outside paper recycling bin. The answer is - absolutely you can put shredded paper in the bin. I would recommend that you put the shredded paper in a bag, so that it does not blow around when the driver services the bin. Paper or plastic bag is fine.


Prairiview has 5 licenses for students to use the online phonics and sight word program called Lexia. It has been a great help to boost students' phonics skills. Lexia can also be used on home computers. Many students have taken advantage of this. The program also offers a section on Latin and Greek stems. I would encourage parents of high grade level readers to email me. I can set it up so your student does not have to do the whole program but can skip directly to this section. Knowing these stems can help your student with a multitude of vocabulary words - and it is free!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

For the Week of December 5th

Chess Club

Club #1 will meet Wednesday for its last club of the season and Club #4 will meet Thursday for its last club of the season. The time has flown by and the clubbers have learned a lot about chess.


Friday is bowling day. The fifth graders will be going in the morning and the fourth graders will be going in the afternoon.

Books and Movies

Books are usually better than movies because our imaginations can paint more vivid pictures than cameras can and because books usually include more details than time will permit in movies. For these reasons, I think it is fun to read the book version with my children first and then watch the movie together. This opens up some interesting conversations about which parts they liked better in the book and which in the movie. What parts were left out of the movie that they wished had been included? What parts did they add to movie which weren't in the book? Were the scenes set-up how you imagined them? So when you have the chance, enjoy the movie more by enjoying the book first!

Friday, December 2, 2011

For the Week of November 28th

Chess Club

Club #2 meets Wednesday, November 30th. Club #3 meets Thursday, December 1st.

Conference Week

Conferences will be held all week after school. Because of this there will be no school on Friday.

Friday, November 18, 2011

For the Week of November 21st

Thanksgiving Holiday

I hope everyone enjoys a wonderful Thanksgiving break with no school on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. I hope you have time to slow down your lives a little and enjoy each other's company. Read a good book together, spend some time laughing and listen to each other. Since it is Thanksgiving, I hope to spend some time thinking of those things that I am especially grateful for - and at the top of my list is family. Friends, both here at school and outside school, are also at the top. I hope you, too, have time to pause to think about what you are thankful for.

Friday, November 11, 2011

For the Week of November 14th

Chess Club

Club #1 meets on Wednesday, November 16th and Club #4 meets on Thursday, November 17th.

Presents with a Purpose

Since the holidays are approaching and many of you exchange presents during this time I thought I might put in a recommendation. Apples-to-Apples, Jr. is a great gift idea for your student. It is fun for the whole family and it provides vocabulary enrichment at the same time. Make sure that when you play the game, you make it a rule that the person who is "it" must state reasons for choosing or not choosing each particular card. This is the part that helps the student to make connections and broaden his/her vocabulary.

Paper Recycling

Did you know that you can help our district earn money by recycling paper here at school? You can bring in any paper (no cardboard please) to the green and yellow bin marked Paper Retriever located in Lakeview's parking lot to be recycled. The more paper we collect, the more money we can earn. The provider of the bin uses the paper to make newsprint, which is then sold to other companies. That is how we are paid to recycle paper.

Thank you for your help (and for helping the environment at the same time!)

Friday, November 4, 2011

For the Week of November 7th

Chess Club

This week Chess Club #2 meets on Wednesday, November 9th and Chess Club #3 meets on Thursday, November 10th.

Veteran's Day

There will be no school on Friday, November 11th, in honor of our veterans. The students made cards to send to veterans. We should remember that we enjoy our freedoms because of many who gave their lives. Thank you to all of our veterans!

Positive Encouragement

As parents we spend a lot of our day trying to correct our children's actions and words. As humans, however, we thrive on praise. A good goal is to try to say at least four encouraging statements to every one disciplinary statement. "I like the way you spoke politely to our neighbor." "You did a great job helping with the dog." As an experiment, try tallying your words to your children. Count how many negative statements you make compared to how many positive. Then try to deliberately increase the positive statements you make and see if it helps your child. Encouraging words make for happy children!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

For the Week of October 31st

Chess Clubs

Chess Club #1 meets this Wednesday, November 2nd
Chess Club #4 meets this Thursday, November 3rd

Reading to Your Children

It is fun, relaxing, and helpful for students at Prairieview to be read to by their parents and others. Research has shown that reading aloud to children enriches their vocabularies and helps them to understand concepts which would be too difficult for them on their own. Being read to also increases students' background knowledge. This helps them make connections to what they are learning in school. So why not make some hot chocolate and sit around sipping it while listening to some interesting reading. Some suggestions for good reading which reinforce school curriculum from the International Reading Association for grades 3-5 are:

Anne Frank and the Children of the Holocaust by Carol Ann Lee

Christmas in the Trenches by John McCutcheon

Hearts of Iron by Kathleen Benner Duble

Just for Elephants by Carol Berkley

Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom by Carole Boston Weatherford

A Pair of Polar Bears: Twin Cubs Find a Home at the San Diego Zoo by Joanne Ryder

Paths to Peace: People Who Changed the World by Jane Breskin Zalben

Porch Lies: Tales of Slicksters, Tricksters, and Other Willy Characters by Patricia C. McKissack

Tour America: A Journey Through Poems and Art by Diane Siebert

Water Street by Patricia Reilly Giff

Friday, October 21, 2011

For the Week of October 24th

Chess Club

I keep reminding the students that chess is not a game that you win because your opponent has forgotten to move out of check - chess is a game you win by putting your opponent's king in check and he has no way to get out of check.

Club #4 meets on Tuesday - If someone would like to volunteer to help me that day I would appreciate it. This is the biggest club.

Club #2 meets on Wednesday

Early Dismissal

Thursday is an early dismissal day.

Halloween Party and Parade

The Halloween parade begins at 1:00 p.m. and the party starts at 1:30.

Friday, October 14, 2011

For the Week of October 17th

Prairieview Weekly Reminders

The office sends out Prairieview Weekly Reminders and with the reminders are attachments to various activities. Parents, please check the attachments for activities or permission slips, such as Movie Night, Roller Skating and other events that will be taking place at school for students to sign up.

Chess Club

Chess Club is going very well. Each club has made their own club rules and has agreed to follow them. This week Club #1 meets on Wednesday and Club #3 meets on Thursday.

Following Directions

Following directions is an important skill that we teach at school. It is also a fun skill to work on at home. You could cook something together, or make a simple craft by following the directions in a book or magazine. Another idea is to look at a detailed map of your area and together write down the directions of how to get somewhere. Have your student read you the directions while you drive. If you make the destination an enjoyable place - your child will doubly appreciate the lesson.

School Pictures

Our picture packets should arrive on Tuesday, October 18th

Our retake day is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 3rd

Friday, October 7, 2011

For the Week of October 10th

Chess Club

Chess Club has gotten off to a good start with two of the four clubs meeting last week. This week Club #2 meets on Wednesday and Club #4 meets on Thursday. Parents, if you want your student to walk home please send me a note. Also, when picking up your child, please pull around into the Prairieview parking lot by the 3rd grade door. Thank you.

Columbus Day and Teacher's Institute Day

Monday and Tuesday, October 10th and 11th there will be no school.


Many you who have taken advantage of the Lexia computer program that Prairieview has purchased. These extra two days off of school would be a good time to take advantage of that program. For those who do not have it, but would like to know about it, please send me an email and I will get the information to you. In your email please include your child's name and their homeroom teacher. Thank you.

Friday, September 30, 2011

For the Week of October 3rd

Chess Club Begins

We had an overwhelming response for joining Chess Club. For that reason we had to divide the group into four clubs. To make it easy for students to tell which club they are in, I numbered the clubs 1-4.Please make sure your child memorizes which club they are in and remind them the morning of the club that they have chess club that day.

Club #1 meets this Wednesday, October 5th from 2:25-3:25.

Club #3 meets this Thursday, October 6th from 2:25-3:25.

The following are the dates for all of the clubs.

Club #1 - Wednesday Oct. 5, 19; Nov. 2, 16; Dec. 7

Club #2 - Wednesday Oct. 12, 26; Nov. 9, 30; Dec 14

Club #3 - Thursday Oct. 6, 20; Nov. 10; Dec. 1, 15

Club #4 - Thursday Oct. 13; Tuesday Oct. 25; Thursday Nov. 3, 17; Dec. 8

Friday, September 23, 2011

For the Week of September 26th

Chess Club

Sheets are due in to sign-up for Chess Club by this Tuesday, September 27th. Groups will be formed. We will have one group of beginners and another group of those who already know how to play. Groups will alternate weeks. The first club will meet October 6th. I will be sending home the details by the end of the week.

SIP Day - Early Dismissal

School will be dismissed at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, September 30th.

Helping your Student at Home

Parents have been asking me for ways to help their children at home. If you want to help your child to read better at home I have two resources for you. The first is a computer program called Lexia that Prairiview has purchased. If you email me, I will send an information sheet about how to download this program onto your home computer. Another thing I have is a list of sight words your child should learn. These words do not follow the phonics rules so need to be memorized. You could have your child read you the words. Any words that they miss could be put on note cards. Then they could be drilled for a couple of minutes each night until all words are learned. You can also write the sight word in a 3-4 word phrase and have your child read the phrases to you. For example, tongue is a sight word. So the phrase could be "bit his tongue."

Friday, September 16, 2011

For the Week of September 19th

Informational Books

Illinois is in the process of adopting new standards. These standards will have a strong emphasis on reading informational texts. The teachers at Prairieview are already discussing how to incorporate more informational texts into the curriculum. I suggest that when purchasing or getting books out of the library for your children, if they usually select fiction, decide to occasionally select a nonfiction book. Like all free reading, these books should be about something that interests your child. You might even show them how to find just the information they are really interested in and read only that part of the book. When we read to gather information, we usually only read until we find the answers to the questions we have. Unlike novels, informational texts do not need to be read cover-to-cover.

Friday, September 9, 2011

For the Week of September 12th

MAP Testing

Our two weeks of MAP testing went very smoothly. We are now in the process of reviewing the results and analyzing how best to help students make gains for this school year.


On Monday we are planning on remembering what happened on 9/11 by wearing red, white and blue. The classroom teachers have various activities planned to inspire us to move forward as a country and remember those who parished.

Friday, September 2, 2011

For the Week of September 5th

Read Alouds

Reading aloud to your children is very important for their vocabulary development. Writers commonly use words that are not part of people's everyday vocabulary. It is crucial to learn these words and a good way to learn them is by listening to well-written literature read aloud. Besides being important for vocabulary development, it is also fun and can be a bonding time for the family. Listening also helps children's creativity. Children have to use visualization in order to see the story happening in their minds. This is a much more active process compared to sitting in front of the television and having the images flashed on the screen. If you do not feel that you are a strong enough reader to read aloud to your children, I suggest that you get books on CD out of the library and listen as a family. Everyone's vocabularies will improve and you will have fun at the same time!

MAP Testing this Week

MAP Testing is this week. Please make sure that your student has a good night's sleep and a nutritious breakfast so that they will do their best on the tests. We will be looking closely at these scores to see how we can help your student to grow in their reading and math understanding and knowledge

Monday, August 29, 2011

For the Week of August 29th

MAP Testing this Week

MAP Testing is this week and next. Please make sure that your student has a good night's sleep and a nutritious breakfast so that they will do their best on the tests. We will be looking closely at these scores to see how we can help your student to grow in their reading and math understanding and knowledge.


I was excited to see how smoothly the introduction of our expectations for all areas of our building went this year. The students seem to understand and are following those expectations. It really helps the education process when everyone in the building is respectful, responsible and acts safely.

Friday, June 3, 2011

For the Week of June 6th

This is the last blog post for this school year. I wish everyone a very safe and family-filled summer. I want to encourage everyone to spend some time reading each day this summer. It will help your child tremendously in school. It can also be a fun family time - sitting around the family room together with a cold drink and a good book. It can provide some quiet minutes in the midst of hectic schedules. Thank you for the privilege of teaching your children.

Friday, May 27, 2011

For the Week of May 30th

Memorial Day

I hope everyone has an enjoyable, memorable Memorial Day on Monday. Family is precious so take this opportunity to spend some wonderful time together.

Whole School Talent Show

The whole school talent show will start at 1:00 pm Tuesday, May 31st. There will be thirteen numbers being performed. They will include dancing, singing, acting, gymnastics and musical instrument playing.

4th Grade Talent Show

The 4th grade talent show will be Thursday, June 2nd starting at 12:20. This will be in the 4th grade open area.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We will finish 3rd grade reading with a story from the basal titled Raising Dragons.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

The test over Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing will be Tuesday, May 31st. Please have your child review the characters and plot. It would be helpful to review the episodic plotline that is in their notebooks.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

We will be finishing our novel The Wish Giver. We will discover how each character's problem is resolved.

Friday, May 20, 2011

For the Week of May 23rd

Chess Club

Chess Club has ended for this school year. It was fun watching your children progress as we went from learning the moves of the pieces to strategies to make their games better.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

Mrs. Csorba's Reading Class of Magnificent Magicians invite you to our Magic Show on Tuesday from 8:30-9:30am. Don't forget to email me by Monday to reserve your seat!! We will be working on reader's theater this week and finishing up our Magic Unit by practicing all our strategies!

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

Next week, in addition to reviewing all reading strategies, students will be focusing on identifying the elements of fantasy and realism. Students will learn that fantasy involves events that could not happen in real life, and that realism involves events that could happen or that have happened in the past.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

The week we will continue to read The Wish Giver. We will be working on vocabulary and reviewing the story using a story map.

Friday, May 13, 2011

For the Week of May 16th

Chess Club

Monday is the final meeting for Chess Club for this school year. It is the Knights turn to meet.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

This week we will continue on our magic unit. Please read Mrs. Csorba's blog for the details about this unit.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

Next week we will focus on the reading target skill of comparing and contrasting. Comparing means showing similarities. Contrasting means showing differences. By comparing and contrasting one thing with another, readers can remember more of the

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

We will continue the novel, The Wish Giver. The story is about three children whom each have a wish card. On Monday we will complete a story map of Polly Kemp's story and what happened when her wish came true. Later we will read about Rowena's wish and the trouble her wish caused.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

For the Week of May 9th

Chess Club

The Rooks meet this week. This will be the last meeting of the Rooks. I have enjoyed working with your children and seeing the growth in their chess playing abilities.


On Monday, Prairieview will be doing aimsweb spring benchmarking of every student in the school. It is exciting to easily see the progress the students have made since the fall benchmark took place.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We will finish up fairy tales with some reader's theater. Students will be performing their fractured fairy tale on Tuesday. Wednesday, we will begin a unit on magic! We will continue reviewing all our skills and strategies we learned throughout this year!

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

Our focus in reading next week is on the reading strategy of monitor/clarify. Students should monitor how well they understand a story. If they don't understand something, they can reread or read ahead for help.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

We will continue to read The Wish Giver. We will be doing work with the dictionary and recognizing and understanding colloguialisms.

Friday, April 29, 2011

For the Week of May 2nd

Chess Club

The Knights meet this week.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We will continue to work on Fairy Tales. We will be comparing two Cinderella tales and noticing their similarities and differences. There will be a vocabulary quiz on Wednesday.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

Our reading strategy for next week is making inferences. Readers must make inferences, or "read between the lines," when an author doesn't tell the reader
everything. Readers can do this by applying what they already know to story clues given by the author.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

We will be finishing up with some character maps for the book Jacob's Rescue. We will also have the final vocabulary. We will then begin the book The Wish Giver.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

For the Week of April 25th

Chess Club

The Rooks meet this week.

Important Notice! Chess Club will not meet on Monday, April 25th but instead will meet on Tuesday, April 26th.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We are beginning a unit on fairy tales. We will be reviewing our reading strategies while reading fairy tales from our basal.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

Our reading target for the week is to identify topic, main idea, and supporting details. Topic is what the whole text is about. The main ideas are important points about each topic. Each paragraph can have its own main idea. Supporting details are facts and examples that support each main idea.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

This week we will continue a historical fiction novel, Jacob's Rescue. We will focus on the reading skill of cause and effect and also determining the author's viewpoint. There will be a vocabulary quiz for chapter 9-16 on Tuesday, April 26th. The students have a study guide to help prepare them for the quiz.

Friday, April 15, 2011

For the Week of April 18th

Open House

It was so good to see so many of you at Open House. The students were proud to have the chance to show off all of their hard work.

Chess Club

This is the week for the Knights to meet.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

This week we will be continueing to work on our poetry units. We will be having a poetry cafe on Wednesday.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

This week we will be reading a story about Salmon and will be looking at words that have multiple meanings.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

We will continue to work on reading Jacob's Rescue. One of the strategies that we will focus on is making generalizations.

Friday, April 8, 2011

For the Week of April 11th

Open House

Open House is this Thursday. I look forward to seeing you.

Chess Club

During spring break I cleaned out my basement. I found a bunch of chess pieces! So now there are a few more chess sets that are bigger and easier for small fingers to use without knocking the whole board out of wack. Yea!

This week it is the Rooks turn to meet.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We will spend the next two weeks on a poetry unit. There will be a quiz on the vocab words for poetry on Friday.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

We will have guided reading groups this week. We will also be writing Pourquoi tales.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

This week we will continue an historical fiction novel, Jacob's Rescue. This story takes place during the Holocaust. Vocabulary is being introduced for each chapter. The students should be reviewing their study sheets. A vocabulary quiz will be given on Thursday. It will cover vocabulary words from chapters 1-8.

Friday, March 25, 2011

For the Week of April 4th

Spring Break

I hope everyone has a fun, relaxing break and comes back refreshed and ready to finish the school year well.

Chess Club

This is the week for the Knights to meet.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba
This week we will be reading a story out of our basal readers call The Mysterious Giant of Barletta. We will be working on following directions, sequencing and making connections.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth
This week we will be working in our guided reading groups, reading a story and working on cause and effect.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin
This week we will begin the novel Jacob's Rescue. We will be reviewing the reading skills of cause and effect, identifying author's purpose, and drawing conclusions.

Friday, March 18, 2011

For the Week of March 21st

Chess Club

The Rooks meet this week for chess club.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

The class will be presenting their biographies on Monday. They should practice reading them outloud over the weekend. If they want, they may bring props to make their biographies more interesting. We will continue with sequencing of events, and making connections as we read Ramona Quimby, Age 8 in our basal readers.

4th Grade Readinig with Mrs. Beseth

This week we will continue to work on our book posters for Doing Time Online. We will also be working on making judgments as we break into guided reading groups and as we work on reading a story about Lou Gehrig in our basal readers.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

This week we complete our study of China. We have gathered the information for our China brochures and are in the process of completing the final project. Much of class time will be spent working on the brochures however, some will be homework. The brochures will be due on Friday. Please ask your child how they are doing on this project.

Friday, March 11, 2011

For the Week of March 14th

Chess Club

The Knights will meet this week. Those going to the Roller Skating Party do not need to be picked up. They can wait on the benches in the entrance until 3:45.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

This week we will be working on reading biographies and making a scrapbook of the person we are reading about. We will be working on the sequence of events in the person's life.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

This week we will work on making judgments as we read a story in our basals and then split into groups to read a leveled reader. We will also be working on our posters for the book Doing Time Online.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

This week we continue our study of China. We are focusing on identifying main idea and supporting details using research materials. The students have been using non-fiction China books from our Prairieview library, the Internet, and other sources. The students are using clarifying and monitoring skills as they dig into the information! We will be completing an outline for our travel brochures this week.

Friday, March 4, 2011

For the Week of March 7th

ISAT Tests

The students have worked hard on their ISAT tests last week. Most only have one more test to take this week. Remember to give your child plenty of sleep and a nutritious breakfast before the test.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

While reading some short biographies in our basal, we will be focusing on sequencing events. Students will also be selecting their own biography this week to read at home. They will be locating 6 important events to make a biography scrapbook in class. More info about this will come home next week!

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

The poetry books are due on Tuesday, March 8th. Additionally, we will be using the predict/infer strategy, as well as cause and effect. Thinking about story events and personal knowledge helps readers predict likely events. With cause and effect, students will focus on why story events happen and what happens as a result.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

This week we begin the study of the fascinating country of China. We will focus on identifying main idea and supporting details using research materials. As we read our non-fiction China materials, we will be using our clarification and monitoring skills.

Friday, February 25, 2011

For the Week of February 28th

Chess Club

This is the week for the Rooks to meet.

ISAT Week!

Your student will be taking their ISAT tests this week. It is very important that they are well rested for the test. They also need a good breakfast to keep their brain functioning at its peak. Since there are tests in the afternoon also, please send a healthy lunch and snack.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

On Monday we will be working on writing and extended response to a question. The rest of the week we will be taking the ISAT tests.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

Due to ISAT testing, we will only have one day of reading. Your child should continue to work on his/her poetry unit. The completed poems are due on Tuesday, March 8th.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

On Monday we will continue to focus on figurative language. The remainder of the week the students will be taking the ISAT tests.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

For the Week of February 28th

Sleep - Its importance Can Be Forgotten

As some of you know, I have a granddaughter who is in kindergarten. Last weekend I was speaking to my daughter and she was telling me how Abigail, my granddaughter, was fighting about not wanting to go to school and then when she got home, she was taking about an hour to do her homework when it should have taken about 10 minutes. I suggested that maybe Abigail needed to go to bed earlier. Maybe she wasn't getting enough sleep. I was very pleased about three days later when I received an email from my daughter thanking me for the suggestion. She started that night to put Abigail to bed an hour earlier and the very next morning there was no fighting and the homework got done easily. Young children do not always know why they are feeling the way they do. Feeling tired is very hard on children and it keeps them from doing their best school work. Even good parents do not always realize that their child is not getting enough sleep. I encourage you to make sure your child is receiving the sleep they need to do their best in school. This is especially important the week of March 6th when they will be taking the ISAT tests.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We will continue working on extended response. Your child learned a song and a small "dance" to remember the steps to writing an extended response. Ask them about it! Maybe they'll "dance" and "sing" it for you!

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

In reading next week, our target genre is still poetry. The students will understand the elements of poetry, and they will work with figurative language such as simile, metaphor, personification,and idioms. A poetry project will be assigned,and the students will be working on this in class and at home over the next couple of weeks. Along with poetry, the students will also be working on writing extended responses which will connect with their reading passages.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

This week we will be learning about figurative language which will include:
onomatopoeia, alliteration, idioms, similes, metaphors, and personification.
The students will be creating original images where they interpret figurative language literally.

Friday, February 11, 2011

For the Week of February 14th

Chess Club

Last week the Rooks met and we reviewed how the chess pieces move and how you win the game. The students are always surprized that you cannot win the game when your opponent accidentally moves his king in harm's way. This week the Knights will meet. Please remember to be at the 3rd grade door no later than 3:30 to pick up your student.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

Please read Mrs. Csorba's blog for updates on what we are doing in reading this week.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

Please read Mrs. Beseth's blog for updates on what we are doing in reading this week.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

Please read Mrs. Bucklin's blog for updates on what we are doing in reading this week.

Friday, February 4, 2011

For the Week of February 7th

Chess Club

Chess Club has gotten off to a good start. Those who are just learning have had one exposure to how each piece moves. We will be reviewing this week and practicing by playing a few games. This week is the "Rooks" turn to meet.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We will continue working on identifying main idea and details this week. We will also work on writing some extended responses to text we read.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

Next week we will begin our study of Poetry. We will focus on some of the elements of poetry including rhyme, sensory words, figurative language, and wordplay. The children will also begin a poetry project. In this project, the children will be learning about and writing nine different kinds of poems. Time will be given in class, but students will also need to work on this project at home. We will be working on Poetry and Figurative Language for the next few weeks.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

We are practicing writing an extended response using a nonfiction genre. This will help us succeed when taking the ISAT tests! We will also be identifying cause and effect relationships using the story of Katie's Trunk. A vocabulary quiz will be given on Friday.

Friday, January 28, 2011

For the Week of January 31st

Chess Club

The Knights will meet this week. Please remember to pick up your students in the Prairieview parking lot no later than 3:30.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

Please access Mrs. Csorba's blog this week for this information.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

Please access Mrs. Beseth's blog this week for this information.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

In reading this week we will work on the skill of "cause and effect." We will also continue to learn how to write an extended response using evidence from the text and interpretation of that evidence.

Friday, January 21, 2011

For the Week of January 24th

Chess Club

Chess Club begins again this Monday. The "Rooks" will meet this week. Please remember to be in the Prairieview parking lot by 3:30. I could still use some parent helpers if you would like a fun way to be involved.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We will continue to work on our novels as we practice the strategy of making connections.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

The reading skill that we will work on this week is the identification of characters, setting, and plot. Students will fill out story structure maps as they read fiction to help them organize their thoughts and identify the main characters, setting, and plot.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

We will continue to understand the author's viewpoint and to distinguish between fact and opinion using instructional level materials.

Friday, January 14, 2011

For the Week of January 17th

Character Building Chess Club

If you want to join Prairieview's Character Building Chess Club, then make sure to bring in your form by Tuesday, January 18th. I will be setting up the clubs and have the information for you by the end of the week.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

As we begin/continue our novel studies this week we will be targeting the reading strategy of questioning. As always, we will also continue to review and refine our work with the other strategies that we have already introduced, but will highlight questioning this week.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

The comprehension skill that we will be focusing on this week is drawing conclusions. Good readers use details in a story to draw conclusions about characters and events. Students may use graphic organizers to gather details from a story to draw conclusions. They will learn that it is possible to draw more than one conclusion from the same details.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

This week we will be determining the author's viewpoint as we read And Then What Happened Paul Revere? in our literature books. We will also be focusing on the differences between a fact and an opinion.

Friday, January 7, 2011

For the Week of January 10th

Chess Club

There will be no Chess Club this week. I will be sending home new forms to sign up for Chess Club. Be watching for these to come home soon.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We will continue to work on the reading strategies of monitoring and clarifying what we read as well as distinguishing facts and opinions while starting a novel study. Our new novel will be Stone Fox. We will also be reviewing various other reading strategies to comprehend our reading materials.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

This week the children will work on identifying the problem and solution of a story as they are reading. Most stories involve a problem for the characters to solve. The solution to the problem may come after others have been tried.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

We will be learning more about the structure of a story through story mapping! Our class will read the story Elena, from our anthology. We will also be having a vocabulary quiz on words from this selection on Monday, January 10th.