Friday, May 27, 2011

For the Week of May 30th

Memorial Day

I hope everyone has an enjoyable, memorable Memorial Day on Monday. Family is precious so take this opportunity to spend some wonderful time together.

Whole School Talent Show

The whole school talent show will start at 1:00 pm Tuesday, May 31st. There will be thirteen numbers being performed. They will include dancing, singing, acting, gymnastics and musical instrument playing.

4th Grade Talent Show

The 4th grade talent show will be Thursday, June 2nd starting at 12:20. This will be in the 4th grade open area.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We will finish 3rd grade reading with a story from the basal titled Raising Dragons.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

The test over Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing will be Tuesday, May 31st. Please have your child review the characters and plot. It would be helpful to review the episodic plotline that is in their notebooks.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

We will be finishing our novel The Wish Giver. We will discover how each character's problem is resolved.

Friday, May 20, 2011

For the Week of May 23rd

Chess Club

Chess Club has ended for this school year. It was fun watching your children progress as we went from learning the moves of the pieces to strategies to make their games better.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

Mrs. Csorba's Reading Class of Magnificent Magicians invite you to our Magic Show on Tuesday from 8:30-9:30am. Don't forget to email me by Monday to reserve your seat!! We will be working on reader's theater this week and finishing up our Magic Unit by practicing all our strategies!

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

Next week, in addition to reviewing all reading strategies, students will be focusing on identifying the elements of fantasy and realism. Students will learn that fantasy involves events that could not happen in real life, and that realism involves events that could happen or that have happened in the past.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

The week we will continue to read The Wish Giver. We will be working on vocabulary and reviewing the story using a story map.

Friday, May 13, 2011

For the Week of May 16th

Chess Club

Monday is the final meeting for Chess Club for this school year. It is the Knights turn to meet.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

This week we will continue on our magic unit. Please read Mrs. Csorba's blog for the details about this unit.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

Next week we will focus on the reading target skill of comparing and contrasting. Comparing means showing similarities. Contrasting means showing differences. By comparing and contrasting one thing with another, readers can remember more of the

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

We will continue the novel, The Wish Giver. The story is about three children whom each have a wish card. On Monday we will complete a story map of Polly Kemp's story and what happened when her wish came true. Later we will read about Rowena's wish and the trouble her wish caused.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

For the Week of May 9th

Chess Club

The Rooks meet this week. This will be the last meeting of the Rooks. I have enjoyed working with your children and seeing the growth in their chess playing abilities.


On Monday, Prairieview will be doing aimsweb spring benchmarking of every student in the school. It is exciting to easily see the progress the students have made since the fall benchmark took place.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We will finish up fairy tales with some reader's theater. Students will be performing their fractured fairy tale on Tuesday. Wednesday, we will begin a unit on magic! We will continue reviewing all our skills and strategies we learned throughout this year!

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

Our focus in reading next week is on the reading strategy of monitor/clarify. Students should monitor how well they understand a story. If they don't understand something, they can reread or read ahead for help.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

We will continue to read The Wish Giver. We will be doing work with the dictionary and recognizing and understanding colloguialisms.