Important Announcement
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Spring Picture Day - All students will be photographed. Please
notify your student's teacher if you do not want an individual portrait
taken of your child.
Look Before You Buy:
Send no money now - View your portraits before you buy.
Your finished portrait package will be sent home for review.
Simply return any un-used portrait sheets with your payment.
ISATS are Around the Corner!
I have been working with all three grades, helping the reading teachers to make sure each student is prepared and feels confident going into the ISAT tests. As I have been doing this, I have been pleased with the level of reading going on in this school. Each student combines his/her background knowledge with what he/she reads to make meaning of the text. Each one brings a unique perspective and valuable contributions to discussions about text. It is a joy to be a part of this process.