Make Reading A Priority
Research demonstrates that students who spend more time reading, read better. Some students enjoy reading and read as much as they can. Others prefer doing anything more than reading. For those parents, I would encourage the following: 1)Set a certain time and place for reading. Do not tell your child to go read, instead read together. If you do not have time to do this - hire someone to do it with you student. It can even be a mature high school student. 2)Go with your child to pick out books at their reading level. They should be able to read a page in the middle of the book and have no more than 5 errors on the page. 3)Set up a reward system. Do not make your child wait until the end of the summer to receive his/her reward. Make smaller rewards weekly with a larger reward if he/she completes the summer schedule.
Being able to read well is so important for children's future academic achievements that we must all work to make reading a priority just like we do for practicing an instrument or playing a sport. Making sure your child reads may be a struggle, but it is a struggle worth undertaking.
Thank You!
I want to thank all of the parents for the privilege of teaching your children. It is a rewarding and fulfilling job and I am very thankful to be employed by such a wonderful school district. Have a safe and fun summer. I am looking forward to the fall with another new beginning.