Its fun to play games with your child that also improves their reading. This is a great game to play with your 3rd grader. Make a batch of cards with the following words printed on them. Try to include some that your child knows and some that he doesn't know. Pick a reasonable number of matches for each game. Turn all of the cards face down and take turns turning over two cards and reading them. The person reading them must tell what each words means or use the word in a sentence. Mom or Dad can help if needed. If they are homophones (two words that sound alike but mean different things) then the person turning them over gets to keep them and take a second turn. The winner is the person with the most matches at the end of the game.
Cards to make: right, write, know, no, which, witch, son, sun, some, sum, banned, band, guest, guessed, missed, mist, plain, plane, mail, male, mind, mined, find, fined, weather, whether, father, farther, hi, high, by, buy, oh, owe, flour, flower, thrown, throne, nose, knows, write, right, night, knight, new, knew, seen, scene, sent, cent, piece, peace, sell, cell, its, it's, pale, pail, sale, sail, brake, break, lead, led, worn, warn, bury, berry, herd, heard, meat, meet