Friday, November 13, 2009
For the Week of November 16th
It is hard to believe, but our winter holiday break is just around the corner. With that in mind, I would like to encourage District 66 parents to consider giving the gift of reading. When you give the gift of a book or magazine, you are saying that you think reading is an enjoyable, worthwhile activity. If you think carefully about your child, their likes and interests, you will be able to pick out the perfect book or magazine. Be sure to tell them why you chose that particular piece of literature as they open it. Also, spend some time helping your student "get into" the reading. Read the first chapter with them or look at the pictures in the magazine and discuss the interesting articles they can read. If everyone in the family receives something new to read, it can be cozy and fun to make something warm to drink and all sit around enjoying your new books together.