Chess Club
Both Tuesday's and Thursday's chess clubs meet this week. Please make sure that you pick your child up by 3:30 PM in the parking lot by the 3rd grade door. Sometimes I have appointments at 4:00 PM and am not able to make it to those appointments on time if I have to wait for a student to be picked up. Thank you for your cooperation.
Students are using computer technology more and more in the classrooms. They already take the MAP test, here at school, on a computer. In a couple of years, the state standardized tests will be administered on the computer. Your child will be required to write for a variety of reasons using the computer. The reason I am pointing this out is that most children use the hunt and peck method for keyboarding. It is laborious and time consuming. I would encourage you to find a keyboarding tutoring program and have your child work on it at home. There are many out there that seem more like video games and yet can help your child to learn to keyboard much more quickly and efficiently without having to look at the keys. This might even be a fun holiday present for them.
Math Games
In our small math groups we have been practicing skip counting and counting numbers between 100 and 999. If you have a little time in the car or between doing other things, count for fun. Count by 2's, 5's, 10's, 25's and 50's.