Chess Club
Both Wednesday's and Thursday's chess clubs will meet this week. Wednesday's will be learning about stalemate and Thursday's will be learning about check and check mate. Please remember to pick your child up by 3:30.
Listening Skills
Make a game out of listening skills. Give your child a direction and see if they can repeat it back to you. Then give them two directions and see if they can repeat both of them back to you. See how many directions your child can repeat back to you as you increase the number. You can also play this where the child carries out the directions. An example might be: Pick up the pencil on the table and put it in the drawer and then straighten the pillows on the sofa. Many children are so used to listening while being presented with visual clues that it is difficult for them to comprehend while only listening. Listening skills are important in a school setting and anything we can do to help our children to listen more carefully will be beneficial to them.