Chess Club - There is no chess club this week because of parent-teacher conferences.
Tuesday - Inservice Day
Tuesday, April 9th, there will be no school. The teachers are having an inservice day.
Friday, April 12th - no school.
Today, my small group of 4th grade students got finished with their lesson early. They had seen that I had started the 3rd grade students on the books we read together at the end of the year. These 4th graders had read the same books at the end of last year and they were begging me to read them again. I had been telling them that they were too old for these books (although I still enjoy them very much!) But, since we had a little extra time today, I said that we could read one of them together until the end of the period. With great excitement and relish they began to read out loud to each other. What caught my attention was the way they were reading - easily, with expression and confidently. A little progress in reading every day adds to a whole lot of progress by the end of the school year - but it is hard to notice that progress when it is such a gradual thing. I remembered how they had read that same book a year ago, and I was thrilled with their progress.