Chess Club
Chess Club meets both Tuesday and Thursday this week.
Earth Day
Prairieview is celebrating Earth Day on Friday, April 20th. Wear an earth day shirt or a green shirt (or blue or brown) to help celebrate.
Words Make a Difference
On my blog last week I wrote about a student who had learned the names of the continents and some of the countries and where they were located simply because he had had a map of the world on his wall at home for many years. What I have noticed about this student since I commented on how much he knew about the map is that every day when he comes into my class, he now goes up to the map and looks at it some more to discover other things about it. People liked to be recognized for their accomplishments. It inspires them to do even more. Students respond to praise. Different educators site different numbers but they seem to agree that praise should outnumber, by about 6 to 1, negative statements. As parents and teachers, let's work on motivating our children and students with our praise.