Friday, April 20, 2012

For the Week of April 23rd

Chess Club

Tuesday's club is having their last meeting this week. Thursday's club is already finished for the school year.


Wednesday is early dismissal day. Students will be dismissed at 11:00 a.m.

Figure it Out

Even reluctant readers are more likely to read if the subject matter is something that interests them. It is worth both teacher's and parent's time to figure out what they want to read. For example, I have a student who loves to read about black holes, the Bermuda Triangle, hurricanes and tornadoes. Since this student is normally a reluctant reader, it is key to get books into his hands that are of high interest - because then he will read. Sometimes students don't realize that there are books written about their interests. Spend time at the library or a bookstore browsing. Figure out what will encourage your student to read. It is time well spent.