Friday, December 17, 2010

For the Week of January 3rd

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and comes back refreshed and safe.

Chess Club

There will be no Chess Club this week. I will be sending home new forms to sign up for Chess Club for the 2nd semester. Be watching for these to come home soon.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We will be working on fact and opinion as we read a story about Puffins. This is a non-fiction piece that is in their basal.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

Next we will be working on predicting outcomes. Readers can often guess ahead of
time, or predict, what will happen in a story, based on information the author has given. Additionally, readers can change or adjust their predictions as they read.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

We will be working on story mapping as we read the story Elena, an excerpt from a book by that title which is in the 5th grade basal.

Friday, December 10, 2010

For the Week of December 13th

Chess Club

Chess Club will meet as usual this week.

A Great Gift Idea

I was reading the Ask Amy column in the Chicago Tribune last night and I thought she had a wonderful idea. She suggested that children wake up on a special holiday to a wrapped book at the foot of their beds. What better way to encourage reading than to make a book the special gift a child receives first thing in the morning. It might even give you a few more minutes of sleep if your child begins reading the book before they rousing the rest of the family.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We will continue to learn about evaluating text and visualizing as we read. We will continue to use the story Dogzilla as well as other novels and text as we apply these skills. We will also work on strategies from previous weeks.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

The first strategy that we focus on this week in reading is making inferences. A writer doesn't always explain every fact or detail about when writing a story. The writer expects that readers will fill in missing information from their own experience. Good readers do this by putting together what they already know and what they have read to make the best guess they can. When readers add information from their own experience to what is stated in a text, they are making an inference. We will also study the reading skill of comparing and contrasting. Students will practice comparing pieces of literature that are similar and different.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

This week we will continue to practice summarizing and predicting with skill pages and fiction reading material. The students will also complete an extended response question from the story A Boy Called Slow. The students will need to use the IEIEIE format in answering the question.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

For the Week of December 6th

Chess Club

Chess club is up and running again this week. This will be the final two weeks until we decide what to do after the holidays. If any of you have good ideas, I would appreciate hearing from you. I enjoy chess club and the students seem to be having a good time. It is difficult for me to find the time I need for planning with the other teachers when I am unavailable two days a week. I would like to find a suitable alternative.

Holiday Drive

The students of Project Challenge grades 3-5 are participating in a Lion's Club Holiday Drive. We are looking for donations such as new toys, new games, toiletries, and food for the needy families in the Darien area. If you wish to participate you will need to bring the donations in by December 13. Remember that some of these families live right here in Darien. So let's help these families have a happy holiday season.

3rd Grade Skills Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We will begin a new strategy focus as we learn about evaluating text and visualizing as we read. We will use the story Dogzilla as well as other novels and text as we apply these skills. We will also work on strategies from previous weeks.

4th Grade Skills Reading with Mrs. Beseth

Next week our story is "A Very Important Day" by Maggie Rugg Herold. Many different families prepare for one very important day; becoming a United States citizen. Our reading strategies are questioning, categorizing and classifying. Recognizing the question that a story may raise is a good way to make sure you understand it. Classifying involves grouping like items and categorizing involves naming the group. Grouping the items makes it easier to remember them. Students will classify and categorize the many characters and countries named in the story to help understand the story better.

5th Grade Skills Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

This week, all fifth graders will review the skill of drawing conclusions. They will also be introduced to the skill of Author's Purpose. Students will learn how to read a text and decide if it was written to persuade, inform, or entertain. They will use the acronym PIE to help them remember these three important terms.