Friday, April 29, 2011

For the Week of May 2nd

Chess Club

The Knights meet this week.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We will continue to work on Fairy Tales. We will be comparing two Cinderella tales and noticing their similarities and differences. There will be a vocabulary quiz on Wednesday.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

Our reading strategy for next week is making inferences. Readers must make inferences, or "read between the lines," when an author doesn't tell the reader
everything. Readers can do this by applying what they already know to story clues given by the author.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

We will be finishing up with some character maps for the book Jacob's Rescue. We will also have the final vocabulary. We will then begin the book The Wish Giver.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

For the Week of April 25th

Chess Club

The Rooks meet this week.

Important Notice! Chess Club will not meet on Monday, April 25th but instead will meet on Tuesday, April 26th.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We are beginning a unit on fairy tales. We will be reviewing our reading strategies while reading fairy tales from our basal.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

Our reading target for the week is to identify topic, main idea, and supporting details. Topic is what the whole text is about. The main ideas are important points about each topic. Each paragraph can have its own main idea. Supporting details are facts and examples that support each main idea.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

This week we will continue a historical fiction novel, Jacob's Rescue. We will focus on the reading skill of cause and effect and also determining the author's viewpoint. There will be a vocabulary quiz for chapter 9-16 on Tuesday, April 26th. The students have a study guide to help prepare them for the quiz.

Friday, April 15, 2011

For the Week of April 18th

Open House

It was so good to see so many of you at Open House. The students were proud to have the chance to show off all of their hard work.

Chess Club

This is the week for the Knights to meet.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

This week we will be continueing to work on our poetry units. We will be having a poetry cafe on Wednesday.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

This week we will be reading a story about Salmon and will be looking at words that have multiple meanings.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

We will continue to work on reading Jacob's Rescue. One of the strategies that we will focus on is making generalizations.

Friday, April 8, 2011

For the Week of April 11th

Open House

Open House is this Thursday. I look forward to seeing you.

Chess Club

During spring break I cleaned out my basement. I found a bunch of chess pieces! So now there are a few more chess sets that are bigger and easier for small fingers to use without knocking the whole board out of wack. Yea!

This week it is the Rooks turn to meet.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We will spend the next two weeks on a poetry unit. There will be a quiz on the vocab words for poetry on Friday.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

We will have guided reading groups this week. We will also be writing Pourquoi tales.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

This week we will continue an historical fiction novel, Jacob's Rescue. This story takes place during the Holocaust. Vocabulary is being introduced for each chapter. The students should be reviewing their study sheets. A vocabulary quiz will be given on Thursday. It will cover vocabulary words from chapters 1-8.