Thursday, October 27, 2011

For the Week of October 31st

Chess Clubs

Chess Club #1 meets this Wednesday, November 2nd
Chess Club #4 meets this Thursday, November 3rd

Reading to Your Children

It is fun, relaxing, and helpful for students at Prairieview to be read to by their parents and others. Research has shown that reading aloud to children enriches their vocabularies and helps them to understand concepts which would be too difficult for them on their own. Being read to also increases students' background knowledge. This helps them make connections to what they are learning in school. So why not make some hot chocolate and sit around sipping it while listening to some interesting reading. Some suggestions for good reading which reinforce school curriculum from the International Reading Association for grades 3-5 are:

Anne Frank and the Children of the Holocaust by Carol Ann Lee

Christmas in the Trenches by John McCutcheon

Hearts of Iron by Kathleen Benner Duble

Just for Elephants by Carol Berkley

Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom by Carole Boston Weatherford

A Pair of Polar Bears: Twin Cubs Find a Home at the San Diego Zoo by Joanne Ryder

Paths to Peace: People Who Changed the World by Jane Breskin Zalben

Porch Lies: Tales of Slicksters, Tricksters, and Other Willy Characters by Patricia C. McKissack

Tour America: A Journey Through Poems and Art by Diane Siebert

Water Street by Patricia Reilly Giff

Friday, October 21, 2011

For the Week of October 24th

Chess Club

I keep reminding the students that chess is not a game that you win because your opponent has forgotten to move out of check - chess is a game you win by putting your opponent's king in check and he has no way to get out of check.

Club #4 meets on Tuesday - If someone would like to volunteer to help me that day I would appreciate it. This is the biggest club.

Club #2 meets on Wednesday

Early Dismissal

Thursday is an early dismissal day.

Halloween Party and Parade

The Halloween parade begins at 1:00 p.m. and the party starts at 1:30.

Friday, October 14, 2011

For the Week of October 17th

Prairieview Weekly Reminders

The office sends out Prairieview Weekly Reminders and with the reminders are attachments to various activities. Parents, please check the attachments for activities or permission slips, such as Movie Night, Roller Skating and other events that will be taking place at school for students to sign up.

Chess Club

Chess Club is going very well. Each club has made their own club rules and has agreed to follow them. This week Club #1 meets on Wednesday and Club #3 meets on Thursday.

Following Directions

Following directions is an important skill that we teach at school. It is also a fun skill to work on at home. You could cook something together, or make a simple craft by following the directions in a book or magazine. Another idea is to look at a detailed map of your area and together write down the directions of how to get somewhere. Have your student read you the directions while you drive. If you make the destination an enjoyable place - your child will doubly appreciate the lesson.

School Pictures

Our picture packets should arrive on Tuesday, October 18th

Our retake day is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 3rd

Friday, October 7, 2011

For the Week of October 10th

Chess Club

Chess Club has gotten off to a good start with two of the four clubs meeting last week. This week Club #2 meets on Wednesday and Club #4 meets on Thursday. Parents, if you want your student to walk home please send me a note. Also, when picking up your child, please pull around into the Prairieview parking lot by the 3rd grade door. Thank you.

Columbus Day and Teacher's Institute Day

Monday and Tuesday, October 10th and 11th there will be no school.


Many you who have taken advantage of the Lexia computer program that Prairieview has purchased. These extra two days off of school would be a good time to take advantage of that program. For those who do not have it, but would like to know about it, please send me an email and I will get the information to you. In your email please include your child's name and their homeroom teacher. Thank you.