Friday, January 28, 2011

For the Week of January 31st

Chess Club

The Knights will meet this week. Please remember to pick up your students in the Prairieview parking lot no later than 3:30.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

Please access Mrs. Csorba's blog this week for this information.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

Please access Mrs. Beseth's blog this week for this information.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

In reading this week we will work on the skill of "cause and effect." We will also continue to learn how to write an extended response using evidence from the text and interpretation of that evidence.

Friday, January 21, 2011

For the Week of January 24th

Chess Club

Chess Club begins again this Monday. The "Rooks" will meet this week. Please remember to be in the Prairieview parking lot by 3:30. I could still use some parent helpers if you would like a fun way to be involved.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We will continue to work on our novels as we practice the strategy of making connections.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

The reading skill that we will work on this week is the identification of characters, setting, and plot. Students will fill out story structure maps as they read fiction to help them organize their thoughts and identify the main characters, setting, and plot.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

We will continue to understand the author's viewpoint and to distinguish between fact and opinion using instructional level materials.

Friday, January 14, 2011

For the Week of January 17th

Character Building Chess Club

If you want to join Prairieview's Character Building Chess Club, then make sure to bring in your form by Tuesday, January 18th. I will be setting up the clubs and have the information for you by the end of the week.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

As we begin/continue our novel studies this week we will be targeting the reading strategy of questioning. As always, we will also continue to review and refine our work with the other strategies that we have already introduced, but will highlight questioning this week.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

The comprehension skill that we will be focusing on this week is drawing conclusions. Good readers use details in a story to draw conclusions about characters and events. Students may use graphic organizers to gather details from a story to draw conclusions. They will learn that it is possible to draw more than one conclusion from the same details.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

This week we will be determining the author's viewpoint as we read And Then What Happened Paul Revere? in our literature books. We will also be focusing on the differences between a fact and an opinion.

Friday, January 7, 2011

For the Week of January 10th

Chess Club

There will be no Chess Club this week. I will be sending home new forms to sign up for Chess Club. Be watching for these to come home soon.

3rd Grade Reading with Mrs. Csorba

We will continue to work on the reading strategies of monitoring and clarifying what we read as well as distinguishing facts and opinions while starting a novel study. Our new novel will be Stone Fox. We will also be reviewing various other reading strategies to comprehend our reading materials.

4th Grade Reading with Mrs. Beseth

This week the children will work on identifying the problem and solution of a story as they are reading. Most stories involve a problem for the characters to solve. The solution to the problem may come after others have been tried.

5th Grade Reading with Mrs. Bucklin

We will be learning more about the structure of a story through story mapping! Our class will read the story Elena, from our anthology. We will also be having a vocabulary quiz on words from this selection on Monday, January 10th.