Friday, April 18, 2008

Summer Reading

It isn't too early to begin thinking about how to schedule reading into your summer. If your child is already an avid reader, you probably don't need to think about it. If, however, your child needs to be encouraged to spend some time reading almost every day, here are some suggestions:

1. Join a library reading club or make up your own reading club where the child earns points to do something special during the summer.

2. Hire a junior high or high school student to come and read with your child several times a week.

3. Decide on several books to read together as a family and then as culminating activities, watch the movies of the books. This will give you opportunities for great discussions comparing and contrasting the books with the movies.

4. If your child is a video game player, have them earn video playing time by reading.

5. Set a certain time of the day for your family reading time. For example, you might decide that right after dinner everyone will relax together for 15-20 minutes reading independently or taking turns reading aloud.

In order for students to become better readers - they need to read. Just like playing basketball, playing the tuba or becoming a ballerina, practice is key.