Tuesday, November 25, 2008


The next school week will be conference week. During that week you will be receiving your child's ISAT scores. On the bottom left hand side of the 2nd page will be his/her lexile. This number can help you find books at your child's reading level. For independent reading, choose books which are between your child's lexile and 100 points below that lexile. So, for example, if your child's lexile is 570L then choose books between 470L - 570L. If you are planning on reading with your child so that he/she will be supported, then read books that are up to 50 points ahead of his/her lexile. So, for this child you would choose books between 570L - 620L. You can go to the lexile website, www.lexile.com, and it will help you find books that match the lexile you are looking for. You can also write in the title of a book and it will give you a lexile number for that book. Not every book is listed, but a lot of them are. Choosing books within these ranges will help insure that your child does not get frustrated and quit because of the difficulty of the book.