Tuesday, November 24, 2009

For the Week of November 30th

Fluency with Sight Words

There are rules to learning to read the English language and many words that follow those rules. There are words, however, that do not follow the rules. These words are known as sight words. They may follow some of the rules but not all of the rules. Sight words must be memorized. If you have a child who is striving to learn to read, memorizing and drilling the sight words will help. First, ask the child to read all of the words on the list. Make a note of those that your child does not read quickly and easily. Then write them on notecards. Have your child practice reading the words. To make it fun, you could time how long it takes to read the whole stack. Practice reading them faster and faster. Write the words in sentences and make sure that your student can read the words in context. Play a memory game with the words by making two copies of the words. Lay all of the words face down and take turns turning two words over. If they match, that player gets to keep them. At each turn, the player has to read the words they turn over. The player with the most cards at the end of the game, wins.

List 1: son, put, what, to, the, push, won, both, a, List 2: full, shall, pull, plus, add, yes, was, is this, of, his, has, List 3:from, want, chalk, comb, half, talk, walk, month, else, length, palm, pint, List 4: cost, lost, wind, friend, front, strength, List 5: often, listen, fasten, soften, almost, island, control, buffet, exhibit, List 6: are, come, done, gone, one, some, sure, there, were, where, clothes, eye, glove, lose, love, move, prove, shove, taste, waste, whole, owe, whose, List 7: machine, minute, police, promise, something, approve, improve, someone, List 8: pie, tie, bye, two, to, the, do, a buy, who, oh, die, lie, List 9: acre, into, mothing, become, also, honest, woman, remove, women

If your child can read all of these it is quite an accomplishment. I will add more sight words next week.