Friday, March 26, 2010

For the Week of April 5th

Raise a Reader

Please remember to continue logging in your minutes for Raise a Reader. If you haven't signed up yet, it is not to late. Go to

Summer Reading Plans

I know many people have already begun making their summer plans. I want to encourage parents to make time in their daily schedules for reading. If your child loves to read, you don't need to think about this. It happens naturally. But if you have a child who would rather be doing something else, then it is very important that you figure out a way to get them to spend some time each day reading. Some parents take the time to sit down and read each day with their child. That is wonderful. Others, however, have the intention of reading but it just doesn't happen. I would like to suggest that you "hire" a little older student to come and read with your child. For example, a jr. high student would be perfect for the job if you have a 3rd grade child. Explain to the Jr. Higher exactly what you want them to do. Set up a time and place for the reading to happen. Let your child pick out books of interest. I think if you put reading on your schedule, you will find that it is much more likely to happen.