Friday, March 23, 2012

For the Week of April 2nd

Chess Club

Both Tuesday's and Thursday's chess clubs will meet this week.


There will be no school on Friday, April 6th.

Encourage Your Children

After spring break it seems like we are racing toward the end of school. The nice weather, spring sports, longer days, and knowing the end is near seems to make it harder for some students to concentrate on school work. There are a couple of things that you can do, as parents, to help. First, make sure that your student continues to get the amount of sleep that they need. With more light - it is easier to stay up too late. Also, encourage your children to end well. Remind them to put in as much effort on school work as they have been throughout the rest of the year. Continue to make school a priority by checking to make sure their homework is complete and making sure they have adequate time for doing their homework. Students who get enough sleep and come in with their homework completed feel much better about school.