Friday, February 22, 2013

For the Week of February 25th

Chess Club

Chess club will meet on Wednesday and Thursday this week. We have been working on making sure that we have a true checkmate and not a stalemate.

Early Dismissal

Tuesday, February 26th is early dismissal day. Prairieview students will be dismissed at 11:00 a.m.

Earth Day Shirts

The deadline for submitting the Earth Day Shirt order form is this Friday, March 1st. If you lost your form, you can print one off from the Prairieview website.


Prairieview has licenses to use the Lexia reading program at home. Among other things, it helps students to use their phonics skills to read two syllable words. It also helps students to read and spell sight words. If this sounds like something you would like your child to do, please email me and I will set it up and send the paperwork home with your child.