Friday, February 14, 2014

For the Week of February 17th

Chess Clubs

Both clubs will meet this week. I still need parent helpers for Wednesday's club. No experience is necessary. If you could help out for one week or more, please email me. I will be glad to have you.

President's Day

There is not school Monday, February 17th.


Questioning is a very important skill to learn to use when reading. Students who learn to ask questions as they read become active readers, engaged with the text, and they retain more of what they read. Some important questions to ask ourselves while reading are: What is the author trying to say? How is he/she making his/her point? Am I learning anything I don't know as I read this? Am I changing my thinking in any way? Do I agree or disagree with what the author is saying? When you are reading with your child you might ask them what questions they have as they are reading.